
31 May 2016

ROMY FOODS CSR Project – A Meal for A Meal

"ROMY FOODS Corporation has launched Its Global Food Program A Meal for A Meal".

ROMY FOODS Corporation is pleased to announce that as of 06 June 2016, in collaboration with SOS Malta it shall be providing 2,000 porridge meals daily to children attending primary school in Jinja the Buikwe District in Uganda. SOS Malta focuses on Sustainable Community Development in Uganda focusing on three key areas being Water and Sanitation, Food Security and Income Generation.

The objective of this initiative is to develop the food security for whole communities with particular emphasis on school age children in order to enable them to improve their quality of life through better health and educational opportunities. In addition to one healthy meal per day the children will also receive lessons on healthy eating and its long term benefits. The meals provided are sourced from local farmers to provide a guaranteed market for them and thus ensure income generation and security. Moreover training is provided to local women to cook and serve these nutritious meals to the school children aiding them in increasing their income and ensuring well-being at household level.

For more information on this initiative go to

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