Romy Foods is hosting its fifth Annual Conference this April
Preparations are now in full swing for the 2019 Romy Foods Annual Conference. This will be the fifth conference of its kind 'RomyAns V 2019' and it will take place over a period of 3 days in April at the Hilton Hotel & Conference Centre, St Julian's, Malta.
During the upcoming conference we will be exploring influential topics not only relevant to our company but also within the foodservice industry along with CSR initiatives. This is the occasion to discuss the latest business updates, analyse the current market, and forecast new trends in order to achieve our goals together.
It will be an international gathering of ready meal producers, chefs, national Romy Food HUBs and franchisee representatives, manufacturers, our CSR initiative's partners (A Meal for A Meal), key VIP guest speakers and delegates from the foodservice industry.
We're pleased to announce our keynote speaker for this year's event - renowned performance coach Nathan Farrugia. Nathan will be kicking off the event with some insights on how to unlock our hidden potential and raise our game in both our business and personal life. His talks and coaching sessions have received rave reviews from audiences from our home in Malta all the way to New York and St Petersburg.
We're also excited to welcome another guest speaker Tim Lowther- a highly experienced food service industry business leader. He has been responsible for launching and leading high-volume franchise brands in the UK, Germany and the US. His remarkable experience will lead him into sharing some valuable insights on how to build a winning team and the importance of brand management.
Last but not least, we're eager to meet Sister Lucy Kabagweri, who will be joining us as a guest speaker, all the way from Uganda. She will be presenting the latest news of our global food programme A Meal for A Meal emphasizing the importance of this initiative in relation to reducing world famine, supporting children's education and contributing to a more sustainable society.
"This is a unique opportunity to join business professionals coming from diverse sectors to exploit the global opportunities within the food service industry", said Rickard Gillblad, CEO, Romy Foods Corporation. " I look forward to what RomyAns V 2019, the fifth Annual Conference 2019 will bring to all those who have supported us in the past and to those who have yet to experience this wonderful network. Every year it gets bigger and better."
Dates: Wednesday 24th - Friday 26th April
Venue: Hilton Hotel & Conference Centre, St Julian's, Malta
For further info, kindly click here or contact our team at
Have a look at last year's conference here.
The Romy Foods® story began in 2011 with a unique vision to build an international network connecting ready-meal designers, planners and producers with distribution HUBs and the food service clients they serve: from hospitals to brand name hospitality and other food service organisations; to reduce food waste; to contribute to a more responsible and sustainable food service industry; and to work to reduce world hunger, which is done through its global food programme, A Meal for A Meal.
Press Contact:
Philippa Cassar Montanaro, Communications & Media Relations | +356 7976 6903